Linggo, Hulyo 10, 2011

Studying Techniques to Improve Performance (Reporting)

     In this week, Ms. Padilla explained about her topic, Studying Techniques to Improve Performance. I've tried to understand and listened well to her because she explained in front of the class too fast and I can't understand other words she was saying but, the good thing about her report was she was giving an example for better understanding. The thing that I've learned about her was the differences about though, consciousness and memory. I also still remember the aspects in thinking which are preparation and incubation. I easily understood her report about the various types of memory because it also part of my report last week.

Linggo, Hulyo 3, 2011

Sequence of Information Processing & Conditions for Learning (Reporting)

     Second week of reporting, I was very nervous because it was my turn to explain my report. My topic was Sequence of Information Processing. The day before my report, I set a plan how I should deliver my report but, when the moment I'm in front of the class, all the things I've plan gone way. I just talking there without any direction and in the end, the comments to my report was not good. I accepted that I am not ready that time  and I am lack of references but, God knows I also tried my best to give the exact information to my classmates about my topic. I will try my very best next time! I swear!!!
     The next reporter after me was Ms. Maceren. Her topic was Conditions for Learning. Her strategy was good, she assigned us to read and let us explained what our own understanding about what we read. All of us participated in the discussion. In her report, I've learned what was retention and forgetting. She explained the characteristics of learning and the elements of learning. As she explained the elements of learning, I easily understood it because it was related to my report.

Linggo, Hunyo 26, 2011

Principles and Methodology og Teaching (Reporting)

     First week of reporting, Mr. Sarabia reported his topic about the Nature and Theories of Learning. Honestly, in his report I did not understand well his topic because he was more in reading and lack in explanation. For me, his report was difficult because it was more in theories and it was also difficult in his part because he was the first reporter to be observed. He will be the one who will set a standard in the class how to deliver our report. His weaknesses was observed and it was expected  that his weaknesses will not be seen again to the next reporter. In his report the five learning process was discussed and this are:unfreezing, problem diagnosis, goal-setting, new behavior and refreezing.

Biyernes, Hunyo 17, 2011

A Teacher

     As what I've learned in our class, a teacher is a learning facilitator not a dictator. He/she should encourage his/her students to pursue knowledge on their own.A teacher is a person who provides knowledge and learning to the students and the one who facilitates education.Teachers are important and make a difference.He/she should be a role model to every students. Every teachers should use different kind of styles in teaching because classroom would be boring if every teacher taught the same way.
        Being a good teacher is not that easy as anyone imagine, you should possess many qualities and personal attributes, you should love your role and love being with your students, know your students well and understand how they behave in class and most importantly you should have a great deal of patience.